NDCEL Constitution
The future growth and improvement of public education in North Dakota requires the strengthening of the professional efforts of educational leaders within each respective association and through a mutual and cooperative effort. A commitment to the complementary roles of educational leaders has come about through a realization of new obligations to the public, to the students, and to fellow educators. This commitment can be carried out more constructively by a cooperative effort by each of the educational leader associations to provide close cooperation on matters of mutual concern while preserving the individuality of each association.
The association shall be called the North Dakota Council of Educational Leaders.
The educational leader associations who are members of NDCEL believe that the future growth and improvement of public education in North Dakota can be enhanced in many ways, among which are:
1. Communication within and among the profession.
2. Strengthened efforts to achieve mutual goals.
3. Achievement of higher professional standards.
4. Provisions of sound counsel to state and community decision-makers.
5. Improvement of the professional, economic, social, and civic status of school administrators.
Section 1 – The Original Charter member associations are:
North Dakota Association of School Administrators
North Dakota Association of Secondary School Principals
North Dakota Association of Elementary School Principals
North Dakota County Superintendent's Council
North Dakota Association of School Business Officials
North Dakota Association of High School Athletic Directors
Section 1 – The make-up of the Board of Directors shall consist of both voting members and non-voting “ex-officio” members. The board membership is defined in the NDCEL By-Laws.
Section 2 - The officers shall be elected from and by the membership of the Board of Directors for a term of one year each, and shall consist of a president, a vice-president, and a secretary-treasurer who shall have the duties normally prescribed for those offices by Roberts Rules of Order.
Section 3 - The president elected shall have served at least one year on the Board of Directors prior to assuming the office of president and shall have met the requirements as established in the By-laws of the NDCEL.
Section 4 - No two officers shall come from the same constituent association.
Section 5 - Each association shall rotate by turns through the Presidency as established by the By-laws.
Section 6 - An officer may not succeed himself in the same office.
Section 7 - The past-president shall serve one year as a voting member of the Board of Directors.
Section 1 - The Board of Directors shall have the power to appoint committees and hire personnel as needed to carry out the purposes of the Association within the limit of the resources available to them.
Section 2 - It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to:
(a) Establish the policies and determine the direction of this corporation,
(b) Provide a forum for professional educators to exchange information,
(c) Provide for and authorize the establishment of a budget,
(d) Approve procedures for and supervision of expenditures,
(e) Establish and supervise the committee structure of the corporation,
(f) Disseminate information to the general membership,
(g) Establish procedures for employment and supervision of staff,
(h) Establish procedures for the evaluation of the program and policies of the corporation,
(i) Provide housing for the offices of the corporation,
(j) Serve as liaison with other education agencies and organizations.
Section 1 - Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed in writing by any member of the association at a regular meeting and may be approved by a 2/3 vote of members present and voting at the next regular meeting, provided that 30 days official notice has been mailed to all members of the council at their address registered with the office of the North Dakota Council of Educational Leaders.
Section 1 - At least three regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held each fiscal year at a time and place to be determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 2 - The President may call a special meeting of the Board of Directors, and he shall call a special meeting upon the request of all directors representing three constituent associations.
Section 3 - The association shall sponsor at least one statewide meeting each year and may sponsor other statewide or area meetings as it determines a need for them.
Revised 10-14